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Web Services, Architectural Review Requests, Late Payment & Covenant Violation Notices


Handling the Details

I act as the HUB for handling the association’s administrative traffic. I make sure that all notices, requests, and other documents are properly routed and archived so all actions have a proper document trail. I also make sure that members have access to all community information.


  • Web Services for Members: 

I maintain a Homeowner Web Information Link for an association that does not have its own website. The link provides access to useful information such as the association’s governing documents, contact information, forms, financial reports,  meeting minutes and community notices. I provide a unique email address to facilitate communications with members of the community.


  • Architectural Review requests: 

I process all member requests to the Architectural Review Board (A.R.B.) for project approval. I send the requests to the (A.R.B.) and follow-up to ensure a timely response. I make sure the (A.R.B.)’s determination is communicated to the member and that all communications are properly archived.


  • Late Payment Notices: 

I send notices to members who are delinquent in their dues / assessment payments. I work with the board to initiate and monitor actions such as sending the account to a collection agency or the lawyer.


  • Covenant Violation Notices: 

The board is responsible for determining how covenant violations are handled within the community. I make sure that all actions meet legal requirements. I send violation notices to members as directed by the board and monitor the member response. All information is archived in the member file. If the board determines that a fine or legal action is appropriate, I will provide the archived file to the fining committee or lawyer, as appropriate.

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